Consultancy Services

We can advise and assist you on any aspect of the Snap Survey Software depending on the nature of your requirements. Consultancy or training can be conducted either at your offices or at a mutually convenient location.

Face to face consultancy is conducted around one computer and is tailored to your requirements. For this type of consultancy it works best with a maximum of three delegates. To get the most out of this time you will need to provide a list of your requirements, a sample questionnaire and any files that will be required during the consultancy.
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Copyright © Eagle Eye Research 2014 (Tel: 07447-266322).  All rights reserved.
Hands-on Consultancy
If you are short staffed or short of time and just need an extra pair of hands to help with a project we can either provide temporary highly trained Snap Consultants to assist you in your office or you can outsource the work. This could be to help on any aspect of the running of the project in Snap, from setting up an online survey, designing a questionnaire, inputting and verifying data or creating tables and charts to analyse the data.

Time is money and we are here to help you save money.

Telephone advice is also available.
For a no obligation estimate, please email your requirements to or complete the 'Contact us' page.